As you consider the advantages of Christian rehab, take a moment to check out programs offered at Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment. Our faith-based drug and alcohol rehab can give you true peace of mind that you’re on the right path during addiction recovery. You may feel alone, afraid, uncertain, or in unfamiliar territory, but the fact is, you’re never without someone by your side during the most difficult moments in your life. With Christ as your companion, you can draw from his power and find lasting success in recovery. Speak with a Christian counselor now when you call our treatment center at 866-434-1330.
3 Compelling Reasons To Choose A Christian Rehab
1. Christian drug and alcohol addiction treatment blends the most effective treatment protocols from traditional rehab with Christ-centered recovery models to ensure patients have access to the best approach to beating addiction. The good news about choosing a Christian rehab is that you don’t have to be a Christian or practice any kind of religion to benefit from the program.
If you decide during your journey through recovery that you want to accept the teachings in your Christian alcohol and drug rehab program, you’ll find freedom through Christ’s victory over the world. Secular rehab programs teach patients that they’re shackled to a life-long disease whereas Christianity teaches that God can completely and fully heal them from addiction.
2. Conventional rehab facilities help patients physically heal from addiction; Christian rehab makes inward healing possible through the love of Christ. At Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment, we take a spiritual and holistic approach to treating addiction; one that is not found outside of a faith-based recovery program.
Once you learn that through Christ, anything is possible, you’ll experience a hope like you’ve never imagined was possible; hope for a brand new future and the life that you were designed to live. Faith in Jesus Christ can turn your life around and give you a new perspective and focus.
3. The number one concern of patients in rehab is that they’ll relapse once they leave treatment. Secular rehabs typically offer support in the short term, but what about in the coming years? Knowing that Jesus Christ is walking beside you can make a tremendous difference in how you view life and the choices you make going forward.
Godly fellowship is the key to lasting success in recovery from addiction; there are churches across the globe that can offer you pastoral counseling and Christian fellowship to strengthen and solidify your walk with Christ.
Rated One Of The Best Christian Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers
Christian Drug and Alcohol Treatment accepts insurance to help pay for alcohol and substance abuse treatment for Christians and non-Christians. Don’t let your lack of faith keep you from choosing a faith-based recovery program. Verify your insurance coverage now by calling Christian Tract at 866-434-1330 or stay on our website and continue exploring our free resources.
We offer several levels of care, including detox, residential rehab, Partial Hospitalization Programs, and Intensive Outpatient Programs. Additionally, Christian Tract provides 12-step programs, family therapy, therapeutic workshops, relapse prevention, art, and dramatic arts therapy, and much more.