Christian Tract

Christian Outpatient Treatment

OUTPATIENT Treatment Center

Introduction to Faith-Based Outpatient Programs

Recognizing that you are struggling with drugs and alcohol can be a tough mindset to reach and accept. You have likely experienced hardships directly resulting from your drug or alcohol use. This could have been problems at work, new legal concerns, new health concerns, and tumultuous relationships. 

Detox and an inpatient rehab program are common treatment options for individuals struggling with an addiction. But what about when you return home? Many individuals feel optimistic when they leave these treatment programs. They have lived in a safe environment for several weeks and have had support around the clock. 

When you complete your treatment program, you will return to the environment that you left. While things may have improved since you began your treatment journey, it is likely that there will still be some chaos in your life. Inpatient rehab programs can help prepare you with relapse prevention skills and build your support network. However, many individuals are still in need of treatment when they return home. 

Take a moment to think about how long you lived in active addiction and the challenges you experienced. With that in mind, it is understandable that you would need more than a few months of support. Because of this, a common recommendation for those who complete an inpatient rehab program is to engage in an outpatient treatment program. 

Outpatient treatment programs allow you to live at home while going to a Christian outpatient rehab during the day. Depending on your needs, you may be encouraged to engage in a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP).

The benefit to both outpatient treatment options is that you return to your home environment to continue treatment. We can identify addiction triggers that we expect to be challenging for you. However, there are always unexpected ones. 

Partial Hospitalization Programs can also be referred to as day programs. These programs resemble an inpatient rehab program and will build upon the material you learned there, such as relapse prevention skills. This program can run for 6 to 8 hours a day and require you to come for treatment for 3 to 5 days each week. Your treatment schedule will be dependent on your unique needs. 

Intensive Outpatient Programs will also vary in the amount of treatment required. IOP programs use group therapy as the primary source of treatment. Groups typically last 3 hours each day. You will likely be asked to have a weekly individual session to explore concerns that are not fully addressed in your group sessions. 

If you are considering Christian outpatient drug treatment centers in Los Angeles, California, we encourage you to consider Christians Drug Rehab. We can provide you with detoxification, inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatment. To learn more about the services we offer, please call (866) 434-1330 today.

For Christians on the road from addiction to recovery, it’s also important to find a rehabilitation center that offers faith-based services that can uniquely support your sobriety and journey of spiritual growth.


Benefits of an Outpatient Drug Rehab for Christians

The benefits associated with choosing a Christian outpatient drug rehab program are similar to what you could gain from a Christian inpatient drug rehab program. When we struggle with an addiction, we can feel shame and guilt for our behaviors. We can distance ourselves from God and our Faith and struggle to find our way back to him. 

When you choose to engage in a Christian outpatient drug rehab, you will be surrounded by trained and experienced staff members. Some of whom are in recovery from their own struggle with drugs or alcohol. The staff in these outpatient treatment programs are typically Christians who are strong in their own faith. Additionally, the individuals who are in treatment with you will be like-minded Christians who are working through their own addiction and mental health concerns. 

Outpatient treatment programs give you a safe place to come when you experience challenges at home. We can plan for many things in your recovery; however, life can be unexpected. Knowing that you have a place to come when the unexpected happens can be reassuring and comforting. You can talk about this in group or individual sessions, and navigate the tough spots you experience.

Christian outpatient treatment programs will give you the opportunity to work on your relationship with God. This can include Bible study groups, church services, 12-step meetings, and meditations. When you choose a faith-based treatment program, you will be exposed to an additional program that focuses on improving your spirituality and understanding of the Bible. 

If you find yourself wondering about a Christian outpatient drug rehab near me, we encourage you to look into Christians Drug Rehab. With a detoxification program, inpatient drug rehab, partial hospitalization program, and intensive outpatient program, we can meet you where you are to provide holistic care. Call (866) 434-1330 to learn more about our services today.

Help and healing are possible through our Christian rehab programs. If you are ready to take the next step and learn more about how a Christian rehab center can aid in your recovery, feel free to reach out to us at any time.


Why Choose Our Christian Outpatient
Drug Rehab

When you walk through the doors of Christians Drug Rehab, you will be met by a member of our Christian staff who will welcome you into our treatment center. The first step would be to meet with a member of our medical team for an evaluation. They will take the time needed to get a full understanding of your addiction and other health concerns. They will then talk to you about your treatment options and what they believe would be the most effective path for you. 

For many, the recommendation will be detox and our inpatient treatment program. However, there are individuals who have a mild substance use disorder that would be a better fit for an outpatient treatment program. Additionally, individuals who recently completed our inpatient treatment program will be able to continue their treatment by moving to our outpatient program at the time of discharge from the inpatient treatment program. 

We work with you throughout your time with us to make sure that we are providing the holistic care that you deserve. We recognize the role that our mind, body, and spirit play in a healthy recovery and will work with you to reach your optimal potential. 

You will have the opportunity to meet with our Christian counselors individually to process and work through your own struggles with guilt and shame. We combine traditional addiction treatment approaches with alternative therapy options.

Another service that we offer is family therapy. It is no secret that your loved ones were impacted by your addiction. This could include broken trust and uncertainty. Some families develop unhealthy relationship patterns, such as co-dependency, that can be worked on in therapy. Family therapy aims to focus on your family as a whole and work together to decide what your future will look like. 

To learn more about the Christian outpatient rehab known as Christians Drug Rehab, we encourage you to call (866) 434-1330 to speak with a representative today. 

Our Faith-Based Outpatient Drug Rehab is Here for You

At the Christians Drug Rehab, we know about the role that your relationship with God can have in your wellness. We can help you reconnect to God, and possibly help you see a different perspective on his teachings. We will help you work past your feelings of shame and guilt, and work towards a healthier lifestyle.

We are able to provide you with continuous care for addiction treatment. This allows you to remain in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable, and work with familiar faces throughout your treatment. We believe that feeling comfortable in your environment will help you open up and work through your challenges.

If you have reached a point in your addiction where you are ready to make a change and reconnect with your faith, we invite you to call our representatives at (866) 434-1330 to see which of our programs could be a good fit for you at this time.