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Suggested Readings

Jesus Calling and Morning Gratitude

Group offers process and inspiration from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young as a
daily reflection, with messages inspired by the author’s personal prayer journal.
Clients will be blessed by the first person account, as if Jesus is speaking
directly to the reader, offering words of comfort, encouragement, and
guidance. The group encourages us to develop a deeper relationship with God
through prayer, meditation, and reflection on scripture. It emphasizes the
importance of trusting in God’s plan, even in difficult times, and of seeking His
presence in every aspect of life. Group offers time of prayer and gratitude to
start the recovery week.

Battlefield of the Mind

“Battlefield of the Mind” is taken from renowned pastor and speaker Joyce Meyer, to focus on the importance of controlling one’s thoughts to achieve a peaceful and successful life. The group emphasizes that the way we think affects every aspect of our lives, including our emotions, behaviors, and relationships, in addition to our addictive disorders. This group offers practical strategies for renewing the mind and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Common mental battles such as worry, doubt, fear, and anxiety, and can be mitigated through learning the biblical principles and teachings to overcome them. The group will cultivate a deeper relationship with God, to trust in His plan for our lives. The mind can be a battlefield where negative thoughts and emotions can be defeated through faith, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit. This group offers inspiration for those looking to overcome negative thinking patterns and live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Changes that Heal

”Changes That Heal” taken from author Dr. Henry Cloud, explores the importance of emotional and relational growth for a healthy and fulfilling life. This group is based on the belief that human beings are designed to grow and develop, both emotionally and spiritually, and that growth is essential for optimal mental health. Lessons include: The four fundamental steps that people need to take to achieve emotional and relational growth, 1)Bonding,
3)Processing Emotional Pain, and
4)Breaking Negative Patterns.


Links Boundaries group offers a faith-based approach from Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, on the importance of setting healthy boundaries in all aspects of life, including personal relationships, work, and spiritual growth. Boundaries are ‘the’ guidelines that define where one person’s responsibilities end and another persons begin. Clients will learn that setting healthy boundaries is essential in lasting recovery. There are common challenges that people face when setting boundaries, such as guilt, fear, and resistance from others. Guidance and skills will be explored on how to overcome these obstacles by learning the importance of self-care,  personal responsibility, and practicing communication skills with those we care about. This group will help clients recognize and address covert and overt boundary violations and how to take personal responsibility to navigate these complex relationships while continuing to remain sober and live a healthy lifestyle.

Steps to Freedom

Steps to Freedom is a 12-step, faith-based group taken from the Life Recovery Workbook and the Bible. Clients engage in a morning devotion, prayer circle and then work through the workbook and Bible scriptures to ready themselves for their journey through the 12-steps with a sponsor. Clients will have an opportunity to find a sponsor at the weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings they attend on Friday nights at First Love Church.

Purpose Bound

Taken from the Purpose Driven Life Book, Purpose Bound teaches us how to gain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how to heal old wounds we carry around in life from the past. Clients will gain a new perspective on faith, and finding their true Godly purpose in their lives. Group is held in the cafeteria with all clients from all tracks, offering a community style worship and fellowship time.