Christian Drug Rehab Centers In Connecticut

Christian Drug Rehab Centers In Connecticut

When struggling with the disease of addiction, it takes great strength to be able to recognize the need for help. If you are reading this now and seeking treatment for your addiction, you’ve come to the right place.

Our Christian Rehab Center is the Christian track of Northbound Treatment Center, and provides drug and alcohol addiction treatment from a Christian perspective. With the help of a certified addiction specialist, and a focus on healing based on Biblical principles, recovery is possible.

At our Connecticut Christian rehab center, you will be provided with qualified and supportive staff along with the resources you need to begin the recovery process. Our treatment services and alcohol rehab centers will support your mental health and offer spiritual guidance.

Joining Our Christian Treatment Program in Connecticut

There are a myriad of benefits and positive outcomes from joining addiction treatment programs with a spiritual focus. Those who struggle with substance abuse can benefit from programs with an emphasis on prayer, and faith in a higher power. At our Christian rehab centers, We offer spiritual guidance and therapy to help you overcome your drug or alcohol addiction.

Finding Healing Through Biblical Teachings

We understand the benefits of Faith based treatment and biblical study for individual’s overcoming substance addiction. Biblical study can help to lower stress hormones and create a greater sense of calm and relaxation. When prayer and biblical study are incorporated

Healing Through Prayer

Prayer allows individuals to grow in grace and faith while gaining strength and support to overcome even the most challenging obstacles. Developing a daily practice in prayer can allow individuals to release what is out of their control and ask for help when needed. When joining an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), you will become familiar with the serenity prayer: “God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Christian Rehab Center relies on prayer  in partnership with Biblical teachings, addiction specialists, and a focus on mental health to support individuals in overcoming addiction and creating the life they deserve.

Christian Drug Treatment Centers in Connecticut

  • There are a wide range of program options that are tailored to meet your needs. During the enrollment process, a drug rehab specialist will work with you to understand which program is the best fit for you. Our treatment center knows that there is more than one way to support an individual which is why we address spiritual and mental health issues through counseling, prayer and support groups.

How Support Groups Can Help on Your Path Towards Sobriety.

Support groups are a great way to find community, increase accountability, and stand firm on their path to recovery. We encourage our patients to attend support groups while they are still at our facility! After graduating from our program, they will be able to choose from a wide range of support groups in their city.

Choosing a support group with a spiritual focus, such as AA and NA, allows you to meet with other recovering addicts anonymously. AA uses the 12 step approach allowing members to use these steps as a helpful tool on their path to recovery.

Many support groups are free—which makes them an excellent choice for those with financial constraints that need continued support. There are also support groups for family and friends of individuals with substance abuse issues, such as Al-Anon. You can try out different groups to find the one that fits your unique needs and circumstances.

What is Detoxification?

Every recovering addict will go through some sort of detoxification when they stop using their desired substance or substances. Whether your struggle is drug addiction or alcohol addiction, detox will be a part of your path to recovery. Detoxification (detox) is the process in which the body is cleansed of alcohol and/or drugs. 

Detox is the first phase of getting sober. It can be a harsh process on your body and you will experience withdrawal symptoms, which is why it’s important to seek out treatment options in a controlled environment such as our inpatient drug rehab center. Common substances that require detoxification include:

  • Heroin
  • Liquor
  • Narcotics
  • Methamphetamine
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • MDMA

Our medical professionals will help you understand if a detox is necessary for you or a loved one, before starting treatment.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment Program in Connecticut

Inpatient, or residential, treatment allows a patient to reside at the Christian drug treatment facility for the duration of the treatment program. At our Christian treatment centers, our treatment specialists can monitor the patient for adherence to the program. It’s an ideal option for individuals who are struggling with a severe addiction or do not have a supportive home environment.

During their stay at the facility, a patient will be provided with the tools they need to overcome their drug and/or alcohol addiction. With these tools, a patient will be able to achieve long-term sobriety and begin their life of sober living.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program in Connecticut

In outpatient treatment, commutes to the treatment center but can reside at home at the end of each day of treatment. An outpatient treatment program requires the patient to attend treatment multiple days throughout the week for a few hours at a time. During their treatment, they will learn the same coping tools as inpatient patients, with a focus on Christian values and Christian counseling.

Outpatient treatment may be your best treatment option if your assessment specialist determines you require a lower level of care and you have at-home obligations such as work or family to care for. Outpatient treatment can also serve as the next step once inpatient treatment has been completed.

The Healing Commitment: How to Enroll in a Christian Treatment Center in Connecticut

If you are ready to begin substance abuse treatment and overcome drug and alcohol abuse, enroll in a Christian treatment center today. Christian Drug Rehab is here to support you to take the next steps to a life of healing, forgiveness, and the love of Christ. Our team of professionals is ready to answer any questions you may have about our rehab program.

We look forward to providing you with the tools you need to overcome addiction using Biblical values and a foundation of faith. For more information about our specific rehab center in Connecticut, contact us today!

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