Christian Addiction Treatment

Christian Addiction Treatment

Christian Treatment Programs

Christian Addiction Treatment

Drug and alcohol abuse can cause people to feel shame, wonder if God exists, or question whether God loves them. When Christians and people of faith struggle with chemical dependency, spiritual rehabilitation programs are often more effective than secular programs. In some cases, faith-based addiction recovery may be combined with a traditional 12-step program to offer a well-rounded treatment approach.

For Christians on the road from addiction to recovery, it’s also important to find a rehabilitation center that offers faith-based services that can uniquely support your sobriety and journey of spiritual growth.

The Mission of our Christian Addiction Treatment Program

Christian addiction specialists teach that there is a God-shaped void in our lives. As an addict tries to fill this void with drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, or other harmful habits, they become chemically dependent and behave in ways that lead to guilt, depression, and emotional trauma. Christian rehab facilities use Biblical teaching, counseling, and conventional addiction therapies to help clients break free from substance abuse and restore their walk with God and their relationships with family and friends. 

Lessons from Spiritual Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a form of self-medication, and Christian addiction treatment teaches participants that:

  • Friends, family members, and counselors can advocate for them when they feel too weak to move forward.
  • God can fill the void in their heart and provide them with a hope and a future.
  • The journey to sobriety is an opportunity to grow closer to Christ.
  • God offers saving grace to those who believe and trust in him.
Help and healing are possible through our Christian rehab programs. If you are ready to take the next step and learn more about how a Christian rehab center can aid in your recovery, feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Christian Treatment Programs

Aftercare in Christian Treatment Programs

Many Christian-based recovery programs encourage clients to attend 12-step meetings and become part of a Christian faith community after completing treatment. These aftercare steps, when combined with an active faith walk, help recovering addicts stay on track, avoid relapse, and get help when new triggers tempt them. Our Christian Intervention Service works with clients to create an individualized aftercare plan that incorporates spirituality and accountability because post-treatment care is critical to success. 

Inquire about Christian Addiction Treatment

Chemical dependency casts a dark shadow over families, but faith-based rehabilitation programs help addicted individuals walk back into the light. Call our Christian Intervention consultants to find a Christian recovery center, inquire about Christian outpatient programs, or connect with a faith community. You can also submit an inquiry online, and our addiction treatment specialists will connect with you shortly.