What does God say about drinking? Can a Christian drink alcohol? These are questions that many people of faith ask, but you might get different answers depending on who you’re talking to.
In this post, we’ve answered the question based on the life and teachings of Jesus, as well as other passages from the New Testament. As Christians, we look to Jesus as the ultimate example of how to live, so His relationship to alcohol is what we want to look at first.
Is It a Sin to Drink Alcohol According to The Bible?
What does the Bible say about alcohol drinking? Is it a sin?
The Bible mentions alcohol in several cases, both in the Old and New Testament. In fact, Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11). In this famous story, Jesus saved a wedding he was attending by miraculously creating what the wedding’s host called “the best wine.”
Based on this story about Jesus and alcohol, it’s clear that Christ wasn’t opposed to drinking. In addition, based on other accounts in Scripture, we can infer that Jesus drank at meals. That leads us to another question: when is drinking a sin?
At What Point Does Drinking Alcohol Become a Sin?
Now you know the implicit answer to the question, “What did Jesus say about drinking alcohol?” However, what we still need to determine is when drinking becomes a sin — because it’s clear that it is in some cases.
According to the Bible, there are cases when drinking alcohol is sinful. There are several passages that clearly state that while drinking isn’t inherently sinful, getting drunk is always a sin.
For example, see these passages on the subject of alcoholics and God from both the Old Testament and New Testament:
- “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)
- “Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness…” (Romans 13:13).
- “Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1).
Based on these passages, we can see that the real problem is excessive drinking, not drinking on its own.
How Christians Can Set a Good Example With Alcohol
Christians are called to be examples to the world around us through our speech, our conduct, and our love for each other (1 Timothy 4:12).
With that in mind, setting a good example with alcohol definitely looks like avoiding drunkenness at all costs. However, it may also include abstaining from alcohol around certain people who may have trouble with self-control. For example, if you have a friend or loved one who is a recovering alcoholic, it would be unwise and — a poor example — to drink around them.
Another way to set an example for others in how you relate to alcohol is to know when it’s time to stop drinking, even if you aren’t close to being drunk. Self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and exercising self-control with alcohol may look like limiting yourself to one drink.
Balancing Freedom and Convictions About Alcohol
Paul said, “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient” (1 Corinthians 10:23). In other words, there are many things that Christians have the freedom to do — but still should not necessarily do.
This is where it becomes important to follow the conviction of the Holy Spirit when it comes to alcohol and other substances. Even though drinking isn’t a sin in itself, you may feel convicted that it’s not beneficial for you to consume alcohol.
How to Find Help With Alcohol Addiction
If you or a loved one needs help and support for alcoholism, we’re here for you. Our faith-based rehab program combines practical, evidence-based treatment with an emphasis on trusting God to help our clients break free from addiction and find hope and healing.
If you’ve been in prayer for an alcoholic husband or wife, consider encouraging them to reach out and start the process of getting treatment. If you’re struggling with addiction yourself, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
A Balanced Christian Perspective on Alcohol
Based on what we see in the Bible, we can confidently say that drinking alcohol isn’t a sin. However, getting drunk is sinful according to multiple passages in Scripture.
With this truth in mind, you can move forward with a balanced perspective on alcohol, knowing that it’s not inherently wrong to enjoy it — but that it can be a stumbling block for many people. If you or someone close to you struggles with alcoholism, finding faith-based help and support and relying on God for forgiveness and healing can be life-changing.
FAQs: What Does God Say About Alcohol?
What does the Bible say about drinking in moderation?
According to the Bible, drinking in moderation isn’t a sin. However, many passages tell us that it is a sin to get drunk.
Did Jesus drink alcohol?
The Bible implies (especially in Luke 7) that Jesus drank alcohol on some occasions, but He never got drunk.
Is it okay for Christians to drink socially?
Social drinking isn’t necessarily a sin for Christians. However, it’s important to practice self-control while drinking, both in private and in public, and set an example by modeling your behavior after Christ’s (Philippians 3:17).
How should Christians handle peer pressure to drink?
If you have friends who are pressuring you to drink, stand firm on your personal convictions. Don’t be afraid to say no — and don’t feel obligated to give a reason why.
If you’re struggling with self-control in a social situation where alcohol is present, we encourage you to contact a friend or loved one and get some backup in resisting the temptation.